Warming Home Party - 23.June,2007
都搬了幾次家了,真的是時候辦個Home Pa 囉!
不知被同事追殺過幾次,真是數不清。其實早在第一間時就該辦了,但是苦無idea以及沒有辦派對的經驗,所以實在不知該如何著手處理這種事情,直到買了第二間後,這個新聞馬上在公司傳開,在要求聲浪不斷之下(連大老闆都送我一瓶塵封已久的清酒,意思就是要我快辦啦!)只有硬著頭皮辦下去,但時機不對,許多人都無法應邀參加,不過也算是一個好的開始啦 ^^
Dearest Mates,
Welcome to my "HOME PARTY" !!!
It is my pleasure to invite all of you to my home for a fantastic party. I will serve you Pizzas , fried chickens and fruits. If you wish to bring alcohol beverages, please feel free to do so, and I MEAN "any" kinds of alcohol... please let me know if you are going to bring any. :)
Michael/Water - you guys are bringing Wii ? We could have a competition and the losers drinks, what other games can you think of ?
Please let me know if you are bringing families over and the number of people. My place is quite small though. :(
Date : 6/23 (Sat.)
Time : HsinPu (新埔) MRT Station in exit 3 (Blue Line) at 11:30am. John will take all of you to my place.
Press the button above to let me know your attendence. See ya then :))
買太少,不夠吃 :(
Raja & Dennis
Just Rock Your Body!!
標籤: 享受生活