13 1月, 2007

Tears for Fears - My Favorite Group

想想, 我大概從國小二年級就開始聽流行西洋樂, 不過那時我還小, 不懂誰是誰, 只是我哥哥們都愛聽, 也每天播放, 我也就跟著學習聽西洋歌曲。我最記得, 也是我最愛聽的(到現在我還繼續聽著這些老歌)團體/歌手有 : Tears for Fears、Heart、Gloria Estefan、Modern Talking、Sade、Petshop Boys....etc. 有一些還持續發片中(雖然已老大不小了), 不過大部分不是解散就是退休, 無法讓我繼續感動, 唉~~
其中我最愛的團體就屬Tears for Fears, 有一次二哥從泰國買了一片MV DVD回來(在台灣香港真的都找不到), 我真是開心到一個不行, 說不定全球已剩沒幾片囉~ 呵呵!!!
好了, 就讓我介紹一下Tears for Fears (驚懼之淚) 給各位認識認識吧~ ^_^ (附帶一提, 感謝哥哥們從小就讓我對英文有感知能力, 不致於在求學時會害怕~)

八十年代中期異軍突起的一支英倫實力派樂隊。樂隊在八十年代初己組成, 但並沒有走紅, 原因是他們玩的是半地下、非主流、有深度的藝術搖滾, 而且不賣外表, 在主流的華麗新浪漫樂隊中, 實在難以突圍而出。到了八十年代中期, 新浪漫熱潮過後, 終於吐氣揚眉、大放異彩。
樂隊在1983年推出第一張大碟『The Hurting』, 走的是半地下式音樂, 和當時的主流音樂相去甚遠, 所以並沒引起太大注意, 但其實這張大碟是超水準和極之精采的。大碟中, 商業成就最好的細碟是『Change』, 但其實並不是碟中最好之作, 最精采之作是『Mad World』和『Pale Shelter』、『Pale Shelter』尾段延長部份尤精采。除此之外, 其他歌曲也相當不錯, 那種簡單的電子節奏加上搶耳的傳統木吉他演奏, 是樂隊早期風格, 而且樂團極注重歌詞, 對各方面都有較深入的探討。總括全碟充滿濃烈英式電子沉鬱, 愛好英國流行音樂的樂迷必定會欣賞這張精采之作。
1985年樂隊推出第二張大碟『Songs from the Big Chair』, 這是樂隊邁向比較商業和主流的開始, 但也令樂隊更加擴闊其音樂領域和多方面嘗試。第一、二張大碟『Mothers Talks』和『Shout』均沒有引起多大注意, 但隨後的大碟『Everybody Wants to Rule the World』, 商業得來竟出奇地成功, 令樂隊平地一聲雷, 之後令大家再度留意之前的『Shout』, 而且歌曲也重上流行榜甚至冠軍。

其實『Shout』, 可說是樂隊音樂生涯?最出色的一首代表作。雖然歌曲額長, 但一點都沒有冷場, 全曲音樂編排出色, 氣氛和樂器漸加強, 醒目和沉重的鼓擊加上尾段響亮的愛爾蘭式電吉他獨奏, 令歌曲充滿張力和盪氣迴腸, 令人聽得熱血沸騰。之後推出的『Head Over Heels』和『I Believe』也很受歡迎。此碟的成功把他們推上前所未有的高峰, 在全球大受歡迎, 也成功打進美國市場, 單單在美國便賣出九百萬張的佳積。

第二張大碟的成功, 令樂隊花了一年時間在全球性的巡迴演唱上, 也令樂隊更增加受歡迎程度。之後樂隊休息了一段很長時間, 足足有差不多四年時間沒推出新歌曲, 隨之樂隊的黃金時間也過去了。第三張大碟『The Seeds of Love』在1989年推出, 可喜的是這也是一張很出色的大碟, 音樂上繼續走比較商業的道路, 也繼續開拓音樂上的空間。

我真的強力推薦去買來聽聽看, 或許, 你也會跟我一樣, 被他們具有吸引力的聲音與曲風深深著迷...
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11 1月, 2007

2007 Taipei 101 Firework & Others...


跨年那天我人在貓空跟2對couple一起渡過、一起倒數, 但是因為車潮人潮加上沒有事前預先訂位, 差點錯過跨年的重要時刻!! 在山上看得算是清楚, 但是完完全全沒有參與感, 因為離101太遠, 連煙火的爆破聲根本連一絲絲都感受不到, 心情真是涼到極點... =.=
我的結論就是, 明年一定要到市政府跨年, 好好享受101的震憾!!!

不說了, 讓大家快來感受一下101煙火為全世界帶來的華麗釋放吧~

How amazing the Taipei 101 throws to you~

另外再加上一個跟跨年一點關係也沒有的短片。 嘿~ 這是我朋友傳給我的, 看來似乎這種發明真能為未來家庭帶來另外一種革命喲~

(因為有朋友在提為什麼不用中文寫部落格, 我就索興用中文寫這篇了。不過之後我會中、英文參半的寫, 想用英文就用英文, 想用中文就用中文, 就醬子啦~~)


Personal Budget Planner & 日記帳表

I have uploaded 2 daily budget recorder excel table for your perusal and utilization in the following addresses made by me :

1. Personal Budget Planner v1.0
日記帳本 v1.3

Personal Budget Planner is in English, and 日記帳表 is in Chinese. Just pick up one that is much more suitable for you loh~ Tell me when these files are no longer existing in the web, and, any item or function you consider it's better to be improved, inform me then. ^_^

Come on, dudes~ They're on HOT !!!


HSDPA - Taking 3G to the Next Stage!

On account of 3.5G era's approaching,lots of people still out of clue on "what is 3G? even 3.5G? "3.5G is a new evolution on the telecom.market (even though WiMAX, WiFi, I-HSPA & 3.9G are about to be advent in the coming years). HSDPA(High Speed Downlink Packet Access) is the main course to materialize the 3.5G turn to be true.

Let me brief to you some basics/fundamentals about HSDPA (I won't go through too detail like fomula or equations) :

HSDPA is a concept included in 3GPP release 5 specifications. The actual implementation comprises of several more or less independent features, each of which is designed to bring some kind of performance or operability improvement for the network.

The main features of HSDPA include fast link adaptation and layer-1 retransmissions. These replace the conventional WCDMA features variable spreading factor and fast power control. With varied modulation algorithms, the downlink can be 1.8~7.2M with QPSK, 2.4~10.7M with 16QAM as the plot shows.(but remember they're based on "THEORY") Right now in Taiwan ChungHwa Telecom. is providing 3.6M in the downlink.

In conclusion, the 3.5G technology, in simple words, supports you high-speed downloading service e.g. using WAP, Internet surfing, FTP...
Easy right? hurry to apply a 3G account to catch up with this new telcomm. epoch :))


09 1月, 2007

Let's Get Networked

"Advanced Cellular Network Planning and Optimisation - 2G/2.5G/3G...Evolution to 4G" is a new Nokia-authored book, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, on the technical implications of future cellular networks design.Written by Ajay Ranjan Mishra and a host of Nokia colleagues around the world, the book is aimed at telecoms engineers at operators, vendors, deployers, or test and measurement companies, and covers: Radio, transmission and core network planning and optimisation; GSM, EGPRS, WCDMA network planning & optimisation; Introduction to the networks technologies beyond WCDMA, their current status and future potential; Potential scenarios and problems faced by those who design cellular networks and provides advice and solutions, backed up with real-world examples.

If you are really interested in telecom. technology same as me, absolutely, it's essential for you to pick up a one for your further study & understanding. Nokia is engaged in this market for years and does lots of successful deals and achievements worldwide to help everyone get communication with ur families, friends or, boses, to shorten the distant in between :)

Just like Nokia's slogan : Nokia Connecting People & Let's Network.


08 1月, 2007

War among TV Game Systems

I always enjoy playing video games even though I've been a little bit distant from teenage :p
Appreciate the HD (High Definition)'s coming to this battle, thus I can fully utilize my beloved plasma. Im wondering which one is better or which one supports various type of games. No doubt, I have found it :) Check these videos out !!!

Japanese is such a fantastic race~

Wanna see more? thrills you,huh!!!

Still hesitate? just go get a one,dude~ Don't miss this TV game system warfare no matter you pick HD(PS3,BlueRay Disc) or sporty/exercise focused one(Nintendo Wii) :)
